Testing Information
WCHS Testing Program
- ASVAB - The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery is taken by all Juniors during the 1st semester. For more information click on the following link, ASVAB.
- SAT - The SAT School Day lets schools, districts, and states offer the SAT to juniors in their home school, on a weekday, expanding access to a globally recognized college admission test that's accepted at all U.S. colleges. All juniors are required to complete the SAT to earn a high school diploma from an Illinois high school. All juniors enrolled at Fulton High School are automatically registered for the SAT during their Spring semester and will test during the All School Testing Day. For more information about the SAT and how to interpret results, click on the following link, SAT.
- PSAT/NMSQT - The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test is a standardized test taken by all students in October of their junior year. The PSAT tests students skills in reading, writing, and math. For more information click on the following link, PSAT/NMSQT.
- PSAT 10 - This exam is one of four tests in the SAT Suite of Assessments—all of which test students on the knowledge and skills they need for college. The assessment is the same as the PSAT/NMSQT in terms of subject matter and difficulty. All sophomore students will take the PSAT 8/9 during their Spring semester on the All School Testing Day. For more information about the PSAT 10 and how to interpret results, click on the following link, PSAT 10.
- PSAT 8/9 - This assessment is given to eighth and ninth graders and is closely aligned to the SAT, PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 10. It consists of questions in Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and in Math. All freshmen students will take the PSAT 8/9 during their Spring semester on the All School Testing Day. For more information about the PSAT 8/9 and how to interpret results, click on the following link, PSAT 8/9.
- Illinois Science Assessment - In compliance with federal testing requirements, Illinois will administer a science assessment to students enrolled in a public school district in grades 5, 8 and 11. The high school assessment utilizes a course-based model with content aligned to Physical Science, Earth Science and Biology. The assessment will be administered in an online format and is aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards for Science incorporating the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). This assessment will be given to all juniors during their spring semester.
- All School Test Day - On this day (usually in April) all students in grade 9, 10 and 11 will be taking their respective SAT/PSAT assessment. If a student is absent there will be an opportunity to make-up the exam. Seniors will have a career day that day. They will be able to go on a college visit, Military testing, job shadow, etc. For more information click on the following link, All School Test Day.
ACT/SAT Testing Information
Official Testing Websites.
SAT - The College Board Official Website.
The SAT Suite of Assessments - This link will give students an abundance of information about all of the assessments our students take through The College Board (i.e. PSAT 8/9, PSAT 10, PSAT/NMSQT and SAT). Everything you wanted to know or had a question about can be answered here.
Registering for SAT and/or ACT
All junior students will be registered to take the SAT at school in the spring. This is done automatically through our school system and linked with the Student Information System at the state.
Students who want to take the ACT or retake the SAT must sign up online with ACT and/or SAT directly. The only testing available is on National Testing days. It is advised to sign up for testing at least 1 month before the testing date to avoid late fees. Students will need Fulton’s school code of 141980 to register.
SAT Registration – www.sat.org/register
ACT Registration – www.act.org
Test Prep
College Board Official SAT practice
This is a free service that is personalized to each student. SAT will create a tailored practice plan for students based on a diagnostic of their SAT or PSAT/NMSQT® scores. The program includes 8 full-length, real practice tests and content created in partnership with College Board. There are thousands of practice questions, videos, lessons, and hints plus study and test-taking tips and strategies. Students will get constant feedback and progress so they know where they stand when it comes to taking the SAT.
Some prep courses can cost upwards of $400 or more, this one is for free. For each section of the SAT and ACT, PrepFactory guides students through strategy, quizzes and practice sets. PrepFactory offers students an assessment of their skills and gears lessons during the 14-week instruction period toward their strengths and weaknesses. PrepFactory also offers strategies to aid in test-taking in each of the subjects.
Which test to take, SAT or ACT?
SAT, ACT, or Both?!,
Which test should students choose?
The SAT is better if you're:
- A “good test taker”, if big tests don’t make you very nervous, or if you don’t get overwhelmed easily by unfamiliar information
- Near a top score, because it’s easier to “ace” (get a 99th percentile or perfect score) than the ACT
- Good at solving puzzles or “thinking on the fly” - taking unfamiliar information and manipulating it quickly or combining it with knowledge you already have
- Are an Illinois Student who has practiced the SAT battery of tests throughout their high school career.
- All junior students at FHS take the SAT on school-wide testing day.
The ACT is better if you're:
- Better in classes than on tests
- Good at learning all the material in the textbook
- If you prefer lots of structure in your education
- Scoring in the lower percentiles (the average ACT question is a bit easier than the average SAT question)